How To Get Into The Medical Tourism Industry (7 SIMPLE STEPS)
Are you interested in starting a business in the medical tourism sector? In this video, Gilliam Elliott provides a detailed guide to the key steps you should take if you want to enter the [...]
The UK Dental Tourism Market Size, Trends, and Statistics (VIDEO)
Why are so many UK citizens seeking dental and medical care abroad? According to the British Dental Association, there is now a backlog of 40 million appointments, and many dentists are no longer accepting NHS [...]
FREE WEBINAR: What’s the Value of Certification for Medical Tourism Startups? (VIDEO)
Join us for our upcoming educational webinar to learn about new developments in the medical travel industry and the benefits of becoming a Certified Medical Travel Agent. This online event will be on Thursday, April 28th [...]
The UAE’s Medical Tourism Market Size, Statistics, and Trends
Tourism is an important part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) economy. Though the country is known for leisure tourism, it has made great strides in boosting medical tourism, especially in Dubai. The UAE offers [...]
EVERYTHING You Need To Know About Medical Tourism Facilitator Contracts (VIDEO)
International Medical Tourism Laws Having a strong medical tourism facilitator contract in place is one of the most important steps when facilitating patients. But what is a facilitator, and what is their role in the [...]
A Guide to Legal Issues in Medical Tourism (Video)
Important legal contracts for medical tourism facilitators Medical tourism companies are necessary for patients looking to receive affordable and safe healthcare abroad. As such, high-quality patient care is a priority from all ends – the [...]
How To Design A Medical Tourism Website That Generates Patient Leads
Creating a website may not seem difficult; however, making an interactive website that generates consistent patient leads is the hard part. The fact of the matter is that anyone can throw a website online, but [...]
How to Promote Medical Tourism Using Google Ads (Video) Marketing Strategies in Healthcare Tourism Google Advertising is a fantastic tool for business owners everywhere. These online Ads are a great way to generate fast patient leads for your medical tourism organization. However, [...]
How Much Does It Cost To Start A Medical Travel Agency? (VIDEO) Today I want to go over how much it costs to start a medical tourism company. This subject matter was inspired by an email I recently got, so I will read [...]
Fundamental things to consider before launching a global healthcare agency (Video)
If you are pondering, "How do I start a medical tourism business?" Here are some fundamental things you need to think about: To start a thriving medical tourism agency, you will need to partner with [...]
What’s The First Step To Start A Medical Tourism Agency? (VIDEO)
Medical Tourism Education I always say that medical tourism education is the best foundation to start a business. In the beginning, you should find out the "best practices" of the industry, what it takes to [...]
Dental Tourism: 3 Things To Know Before Becoming A Dental Tourism Facilitator
Dental tourism is considered a part of medical tourism and is generally defined as individuals obtaining dental care outside their home country instead of their local endodontist. Dental tourism is especially popular with Americans and [...]
6 Ways To Boost Your Patient Lead Conversion Rate
Patient conversion rate refers to the percentage of prospects who turn into customers after a series of engagements with your company. It also explains the percentage of website visitors who take the desired action after [...]
Do You Need A Medical Tourism License or Permit To Start An Agency? (VIDEO) Today's video addresses a common inquiry: whether a medical tourism license is required. The aim is to assist not only the person asking but also others with similar questions or those seeking to [...]
9 Things Medical Tourism Facilitators Need To Know About Global Healthcare
Over the years, the health tourism industry has grown significantly. The rapid growth of cost-effective international healthcare and quality medical care abroad has increased the demand for medical tourism in the most unlikely places. People [...]
5 Reasons You May Want To Start A Dental Tourism Agency
Did you know that people can enjoy massive savings on dental work in countries like Colombia, Turkey, Hungary, Thailand, and other dental hubs? 50 to 80 percent savings are standard in destinations like these, along [...]
3 Key Steps To Take When Starting A Medical Tourism Company (Video)
Certification and Accreditation in Health and Medical Tourism If you are pondering “how to start a medical tourism business”, this short video on health and medical tourism will outline some basic tools and resources we [...]
11 Secrets To Starting A Medical Tourism Company From Scratch
Health and wellness tourism is an emerging industry, and facilitators can get unflattering outcomes from their efforts if they don't do their due diligence and study critical aspects of the industry. Every startup needs to [...]
How To Attract International Patients To Your Clinic (Video)
The success and growth of any international healthcare clinic depend on its ability to maximize its patient flow by attracting new medical tourism customers from all over the world. Although a healthcare clinic can stay [...]
5 Things Every Medical Tourism Agent Should Do To Boost Business
Medical travel agencies nowadays must do a lot more than they used to in order to stand out from their competitors. There's more to medical tourism than simply booking trips for traveling patients from one [...]